• FAQ’s for international investors investing in Spain

    FAQ’s for international investors investing in Spain

    Due to the current situation, we have prepared a document with some frequently ask questions for international investors who want investing in Spain. Can you request a deferment of the rent of a business or a house? In principle not, only in the case of mortgages of those who have lost income or their job…

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  • Urgent and extraordinary spanish measures to deal with COVID-19

    Due to the crisis of COVID-19 the spanish government has adopted urgent and extraordinary measures that cover many different areas of business activity. The most significant in each area are summarized below. Royal Decree-Law 8/2020, of 17 March, on urgent and extraordinary measures to deal with the economic and social impact of COVID-19 Individual protection…

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  • O. Molas: «After this period the real estate will once be very attractive»

    O. Molas: «After this period the real estate will once be very attractive»

    Eje Prime, online journal of economic information specialized in the real estate business in Spain, has interviewed our CEO, Oriol Molas, to learn about the impact of the coronavirus crisis on international investment,especially in the real estate sector. Among the most important points Molas has discussed in the interview are: International investment has suffered a…

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  • The importance of having a plan B in crisis situations

    Immersed in the global crisis of the coronavirus, the experts of Orience International tell us the importance and advantages of having an alternative plan during crisis situations such as the current one. First of all, when we talk about a plan B or alternative plan, we refer to the fact of having a residence abroad…

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  • Announcement for our clients in Spain and other countries

    Announcement for our clients in Spain and other countries

    Due to the recent advance of the COVID-19 virus in Spain, at Orience International we are obliged to send a message of calm and responsibility to all our clients and partners. In Spain, the number of those infected by COVID-19 continue increasing and therefore the Government is implementing some measures and recommendations for all citizens.…

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