Due to the recent advance of the COVID-19 virus in Spain, at Orience International we are obliged to send a message of calm and responsibility to all our clients and partners.
In Spain, the number of those infected by COVID-19 continue increasing and therefore the Government is implementing some measures and recommendations for all citizens.
The entire Orience International team is following established guidelines, and continues to serve all of its clients normally.
The obligations contracted by our clients will continue to be fulfilled and the means of communication will be limited to telephone and email.
Orience International team remain at your complete disposal to continue serving your needs.
You can contact us by telephone or by mail:
*Chinese language: Menghan
Phone: 0034 608 37 11 03
Mail: ml@orienceinternational.com
WeChat ID: wxid_e7dx23c732o712
*Arabic language: Zahra
Phone: 0034 649 33 95 75
Mail: zm@orienceinternational.com
*English language: Soraya / Sofía
Phones: 0034 650 50 32 06 / 0034 628 67 49 45
Mails: sr@orienceinternational.com sf@orienceinternational.com
Moreover, if you are a resident in Spain, we give you several precautions to protect yourself and help the virus not spread:
- Wash your hands properly with soap and water
- When sneezing or coughing, cover mouth and nose.
- Use disposable tissues
- Avoid touching mouth, nose and eyes
- Avoid traveling
Orience International Team