Para poder acceder en cualquier país es necesario, en la mayoría de los casos, documentación, un visado o un permiso de residencia. Sin embargo, cada país tiene sus diferentes particularidades para los permisos de residencia para inversores extranjeros. ¿Qué es y quién puede solicitar el permiso de residencia para inversores extranjeros? Es un permiso de…
It can sometimes be a daunting task for international investors seeking to establish themselves in developed countries, such as those in the European Union, to obtain citizenship in one of those countries’ cities. Nevertheless, Spain is one of the countries that has offered, for some years now, a considerably easy pathway to citizenship by investment.…
International investment is an activity that consists of dedicating resources with the objective of obtaining a profit of any kind. It is an exercise that is as exciting as it is difficult, due to the complexity of the decisions involved. The most frequently asked questions are: Where to invest? How much to invest? What are the…
Whether you are an experienced international investor evaluating the idea of buying an investment property in Spain, or a local looking to invest in real estate, it is important to know that now is a good time to invest in Spain. According to recent data published by the Statistical Information Centre of the Notary in…
Anualmente, la consultora inglesa Henley & Partners presenta el índice Henley, un informe elaborado con información de la IATA sobre cuáles son los pasaportes más poderosos del mundo, es decir, los que abren más puertas. Este año, España ha conseguido la cuarta posición, empatada con Francia y Suecia, lo que le permite acceder a 186…
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